Saturday, October 23, 2010

One more month

Lydia has Elli trained well. Lydia says, "Elli, push me!"
Why is the bathroom such a fascinating place for little ones?
They will find any excuse to be in the bathroom. "Mommy, I need to wash my hands." "Mommy, I need to brush my teeth." " Mommy, the pee pee is coming." "Mommy, I need to get in the blath now."
But the worst of all is when they are quiet. Those are the times they are really having fun in the 'blathroom'.
Lydia is getting to that wonderful age of picking out what she wears. Oh, here we go...

I am really enjoying and savoring this time. We have one more month until our whole world is going to change. I talk to the girls about it almost daily. We talk about how they will need to wear jackets at the play ground. How the car seats and seat belts will not burn you, but rather they will be cold. How we will need to wear socks everyday. How we cannot go swimming until summer. Lydia tells me what she wants to take on the airplane.
She also likes to tell me all the things she will do when we get home. She says, "When I go to America, I am going to paint with Grandma." "When I go to America, Nana will give me two suckers." "I will hold baby Hudson, because he cannot walk... he's too little." (Actually he is still in Aunt Dre's tummy. We are still working on how to get that one across.)

1 comment:

Megan said...

I'm excited and nervous for you. I think I'll be a crazy person when the time comes for us. Let's talk soon!